Energy Saving Ideas for your Home

With energy prices on the rise, energy saving tips and tricks are worth a quick review. Plus, we all want to help save the environment, right?

Reducing your energy consumption can lower your energy bills, while also reducing impact on the environment. We call that a win-win!

So, how can we reduce energy consumption in our homes?

Here are some ideas that can be implemented with minimal effort:

  • Unplug equipment that drains energy when not in use. (i.e. cell phone chargers, videogame consoles, coffeemakers, printers)

  • Wash your clothes in cold water instead of warm or hot. When it’s warm out, consider hanging them to dry outside.

  • Turn your computer monitors off when not in use and/or program your computer to go into sleep mode when it is not in use.

  • Set the temperature of your hot water heater to the warm setting.

  • Insulate your hot water heater, as well as, any exposed hot water pipes.

  • Replace any incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent or LED lights.

  • Professionally maintain your furnace. If you do need to replace your furnace at any time, look for the ENERGY STAR label.

  • When replacing ANY appliances, look for the ENERGY STAR label. This can save you up to 30% alone.

  • Keep tabs on your energy bills and target the biggest energy consumers. Seek effective ways of reducing costs/consumption.

  • Replace or clean filters in your home on a regular basis. (i.e. furnace, air conditioner, heat pump)

  • If your home has leaky windows, and you are unable to replace them with energy efficient windows, use rope caulk or plastic film to help prevent air leakage.

  • Replace weatherstripping around windows or doors that is old and worn.

  • Invest in an attic door cover. This can help prevent heat loss in the winter.

  • Check for other areas of air leakage within your home (i.e. dryer vents, gaps around chimneys).

Tackling this check list is a great start to reducing your energy consumption.

If you’re looking for even more energy saving ideas, visit  

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